Artful Northern Photography
Four trees closer 2 DSC_7454.jpg



Close followers of my work will perhaps recognise this shot which was taken more than a year ago. It was a long shot from Longridge Fell across to the slopes of Parlick. The light backlighting trees and hazy gradations of tone revealing every crinkle in the landscape are irresistable. To steady the shot I needed speed of 1/400th at f11 and this pushed the iso to 320 on my D750. The resulting RAW file was dull compared to the experience of my eye and I have tried many times to bring that moment back to life in PS.

Recently I have tried Luminosity Masking. Greg Benz has some great video tutorials which helped me set up my own actions to form the luminosity masks. Once you have made that investment of time this is a useful tool which is a great complement to PS. I am pleased with the outcome of this editing, as well as finding the masking process to be a more structured way to reach my processing goal. If you have reached the end of my longer than average post you might like to compare the shot below with the earlier edit in the landscape section and make a comment on the blog below or just have a look at my work. I am always interested in receiving comments about photography!

Glancing evening sunlight on Parlick's slopes_DSC0391.jpg